Robin Denevan

While visiting the Addington Gellery, a group of painting by a particular artist really resonated with me.  These painting were done in soft, muted colors, and seemed to be landscapes, but were somewhat indistinct and had a somewhat ethereal quality about them.  They were filled with glowing lights and water and air, as well as more earthy trees.  They reminded me of this moment during the summer when I stepped outside into the night and was immediately engulfed in this magical blur of the dark night and the sky and the millions of bright stars and and dancing fireflies whose lights matched that of the stars above so perfectly it was impossible to tell where these living creatures ended and the heavens began.  I felt, as I walked through the night, as if I was floating through the universe.  These Thomas Monaghan paintings instilled a similar sense of wonder and magic in me.

Robin Denevan is a San francisco artist who focuses on the type of large, airy landscapes that caught me eye.  He focuses on process and materials, and allows those to create his landscapes naturally.

He speaks of this very eloquently on hos website :

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